Monday, February 2, 2015

On Air Suggestions to Mike Hein - Meet with CMRR & Use Trail Walk-Arounds

On Friday, Jan.23rd, Mike Hein and I discussed the Catskill Mt.Railroad. In the 4 short audio links below, I asked Mike to let Ward Todd broker a meeting with him and the Catskill Mt.Railroad. Also, I asked Mike why Trail Walk-arounds could not be used between the Hurley Flats and the Glenford Dike to accommodate the Trail, similar to the extensive Walk-around planned for the Trail between Kingston and the Hurley Flats. Why rip up the tracks between the Hurley Flats and Glenford when you don't have to?

To listen to 4 audio links, go to FACEBOOK and enter KCR or Kingston Community Radio.  Then,
Scroll Down to Ralph Mitchell January 26, 2015 posting.


Ralph Mitchell said...

As I was discussing with Ulster County Executive Mike Hein on Fri.Jan23rd on Kingston Community Radio, I and many Kingston citizens and businesses want the Catskill Mt.Railroad tracks to remain for at least 5 more miles from the Hurley Flats to the Glenford Dike, pictured above. This allows thousands of tourists and visitors to Kingston Plaza to take the train from Kingston to the Ashokan Reservoir shown above. I urge all Ulster County citizens to make your voices heard and to tell you County Legislators, Mike Hein, Aldermen and Mayor Shayne Gallo that you want the Catskill Mt.Railroad to continue operations to the Glenford Dike at the Ashokan Reservoir, shown above. We must speak up now, while it counts.

Ralph Mitchell said...

In the previous post, I was referring to a photo of the railroad tracks at the Glenford Dike on the Ashokan Reservoir posted by Ryan Lennox on Feb.17, 2015, on the Facebook page for Kingston Community Radio.