Friday, October 31, 2014

WGHQ - KCR - Pushing Back on Hein's Plan to Rip up Kingston Plaza RR Tracks

This morning, I talked with Mike Hein about how I disagreed with his plan to rip up the Kingston Plaza railroad tracks.  I mentioned 2 points. 1)  The City of Kingston residents and businesses will definitely be hurt by Hein's plan to rip up the Plaza tracks and end the Thomas the Train, Peanuts and the Pumpkin rides and the Polar Express events and 2) the many visitors from out of town and in town to the Plaza train events may include business leaders who begin to like the Kingston area and the train and may want to move a business with jobs to Kingston.  However, they will hear local news and people talk about how local leaders, Mike Hein and Shayne Gallo want to rip up the Kingston Plaza tracks and effectively end the fantastic train events, such as Polar Express.  Why would businesses want to locate here when they find out that Mike Hein and Shayne Gallo are making plans that will Hurt City of Kingston businesses and residents?  Let's tell Mike Hein and Shayne Gallo that we want to keep our railroad tracks at the Kingston Plaza.


Ralph Mitchell said...

Let me state that Ernie Hunt, the current president of the Catskill Mt. RR is a smart, friendly and community-minded person that a
City of Kingston or County of Ulster is very fortunate to have working hard to build a great tourist railroad for we residents and our businesses.

Ralph Mitchell said...

If you would like to voice your support for Keeping the Kingston Plaza railroad tracks, come to Kingston City Hall for the Public Safety/General Government Committee meeting on Wednesday, November 26th at 630pm.