Friday, September 12, 2014

Headline - Ulster County Lawsuit against Wildly Successful Business

Headline ----- Ulster County Government Lawsuit against Wildly Successful Tourist Train at Exit 19 on New York Thruway.  ------- This is real good for attracting business to Kingston and Ulster County.


Ralph Mitchell said...

Contact your legislators, aldermen and For Mike Hein, call 845-340-3636. For Mayor Gallo, call 845-334-3902.

Ralph Mitchell said...

Be prepared to reply to Mike Hein's compromise, which states he wants segmented Rail with Trail, which Rips Up the Kingston Plaza rail and starts the rail segment in. Phoenicia

Ralph Mitchell said...

Catskill Mt. Railroad battle update. We citizens of Kingston & Ulster County have to prevent our politicians from ripping up the Kingston Plaza tracks. Call your aldermen & county legislators and tell them to support Legislator Donaldson's Resolution 273 which will end Litigation against the Catskill Mt. Railroad which comes up for a vote this week.

Ralph Mitchell said...

Resolution 273 to Drop the Litigation with the Catskilll Mt. Railroad did not come up for a vote before the 23 legislators, because the resolution was stopped in the Laws & Rules Committee by 3 legislators, Ken Ronk (728-3276), Kevin Roberts (566-7663), & Lynn Archer (626-7358). Call them at the above phone numbers and ask them to change their votes.

Ralph Mitchell said...

Ulster County - Please Drop Court Litigation Against Catskill Mt.Railroad

Ulster County Legislature Resolution 273 to Drop the Litigation with the Catskilll Mt. Railroad did not come up for a vote before the 23 legislators, because the resolution was stopped in the Laws & Rules Committee by 3 legislators, Ken Ronk (728-3276), Kevin Roberts (566-7663), & Lynn Archer (626-7358). Call them at the above phone numbers and ask them to change their votes so we can stop spending taxpayer money to hurt the
Kingston Plaza Train Ride Tourist attraction which is helping our economy by bringing people into Kingston and Ulster County to spend money and have fun.

Ralph Mitchell said...

Mayor Gallo and Mike Hein must be convinced to drop their litigation against the railroad. Gallo and Hein are hurting revenue opportunities for we taxpayers.
They are pushing plans that cannot and will not produce revenue both for the railroad and for the local merchants that the train rides produce. We must assert ourselves as citizens to reverse the harm that Gallo and Hein are doing to our economy. Ulster County Legislature Resolution 273 to Drop the Litigation with the Catskilll Mt. Railroad did not come up for a vote before the 23 legislators, because the resolution was stopped in the Laws & Rules Committee by 3 legislators, Ken Ronk (728-3276), Kevin Roberts (566-7663), & Lynn Archer (626-7358). Call them at the above phone numbers and ask them to change their votes so we can stop spending taxpayer money to hurt the
Kingston Plaza Train Ride Tourist attraction which is helping our economy by bringing people into Kingston and Ulster County to spend money and have fun.

Ralph Mitchell said...

Today, on KCR, Ulster County Legislature Chairman, John Parete said he would like to drop Ulster County's litigation against the Catskill Mt.Railroad. Now, if we can convince Mike Hein and about 15 other County Legislators, we taxpayers can save legal expenses and we have a chance to keep the Kingston Plaza railroad running after 2016. Stay. Tuned at this Facebook group. I will let you know which politicians need to be convinced to not Rip up the Kingston Plaza Railroad tracks.

Ralph Mitchell said...

Why would smart, savvy politicians like Mike Hein and Shayne Gallo cling to an unpopular and unreasonable position of wanting to rip up the Kingston Plaza railroad tracks. We citizens have 2 choices. Either we find out their hidden agenda and motivation Or we change their minds.

Ralph Mitchell said...

We citizens of Ulster County and Kingston are definitely in trouble if Hein and Gallo are turning away investors such as CMRR, Just because of politics. We citizens better get after Hein and Gallo and demand a more reasonable approach toward the CMRR investment plans. What is reasonable.....Rail plus Trail at Kingston Plaza. ...When Hein mentions "segmented rail" sending Thomas The Train Events to Phoenicia, that Humiliates us, especially City of Kingston residents & businesses.