Sunday, July 29, 2012

Kingston Freeman is Right-Cuomo is Secretive

I agree with the July 29, 2012 Kingston Freeman editorial that Cuomo is overly secretive.  He appears on Fred Dicker's Albany radio talk show, but he does not take calls from listerners.  His positions and public relations with tax payers are extremely scripted and controlled.  For example, nobody in state govenment seems to know what Andrew Cuomo's position on the Repeal of the Triborough Amendment, which keeps state, municipal and teacher union contracts in place (complete with scheduled annual step raises)?  If anybody can find a reference to his position on this important Mandate Relief, please send it to me at


Anonymous said...

Frreeman editorial today Aug 1st speaks of raises for State Legislators not being appropriate in light of continued economic distress - but never a word that Kingston teacher's are getting increases and step raises are were overpaid by $ 20 million for health insurance.

Ralph Mitchell said...

To 10:02 AM,
I agree state legislators should forego any pay increase in this bad economy. By the very same logic, please let us repeal the Triborough Amendment which allows Automatic Step Pay increases for State, Municipal and Teacher unions. Automatic Step Pay increases are the most hideoous and unfair pay increases invent by worker contracts signed by our government leaders and union leaders. Oh. Now we know why union contract negotiations are private out of the public view.

Ralph Mitchell said...

Alan Chartock is correct in his August 5, 2012 Kingston Freeman Op-Ed piece....Allan, thanks for exposing Cuomo's expunging of NY Attorney General Troopergate files. Your integrity and sincerity are appreciated. Let's continue to expose the Secrecy-Side of Andrew Cuomo.

Anonymous said...

Saugerties fact finder recommends raises - are you kidding - the community has a record number of foreclosures and unemployment - schools and hospitals closing. At least Saugerties isn't sitting on 20 million of taxpayer overpayments like Kingston's.

Anonymous said...

Taxpayer funded retirements pay no state income taxes. Meanwhile we close schools, hospitals and roads are crumbling.