Sunday, July 22, 2012

Decentralize Schools for Success

Comparing the USA and Finland demographics is like comparing apples and oranges.  I am not in favor of Educational programs centralized with the Federal Government as in Finland, and in the USA to some extent.  The more decentralized your schools are, the better.  Home Schooling in USA is the best example of decentralized success.  Then comes voucher education where parents are given grants or vouchers and choose which public, private or parochial school they wish their children to go to.  Then comes charter schools where the unions have less control and the teachers are highly motivated to innovate new education techniques.  In last place is the traditional consolidated public school system which we have now.  Trying to improve things in a traditional consolidated public school system, where the teacher's unions are in control is fruitless.  The results are higher local school taxes, less economic activity moving in, less school population, closing of schools, more higher taxes, and on and on.  That is what we have now in Ulster and Dutchess counties and NY State.  Think decentralization.  Think lots of independent schools paid for by parental school vouchers.  You will have involved parents who are carefully choosing the correct schools for their children.  You will have lots of teaching jobs for our unemployed college graduates who want to be teachers.  You will have lower school taxes, and you will have companies wanting to come and locate in Ulster and Dutchess counties again.


Ralph Mitchell said...

Many teachers take offense at my comments. I learn from and appreciate their comments. However, most of the push-back against unions, especially teacher unions is due to the unfair NY State government influence they have. Many of our school districts and municipalities are approaching bankruptcy, because they cannot keep up with the annual step raises, pension increases and healthcare expenses in municipal, state and teacher union contracts. That is a fact and it needs correction and reform. That is why we speak out and write letters about it. NY State is dead LAST economically in the country because Triborough Amendment allows contracts to increase with little of no chance of meaningful negotiation. Also, unlike regular, private workers, teachers and government union workers pay no NY State income tax. These are the things that we want to reform. Please join us before it is too late and there is no more money to pay teachers.

Ralph Mitchell said...

I need to correct my 831am posting.
I meant to say, "Also, unlike regular, private workers, teachers and government union workers pay no NY State income tax on their pension income.

Ralph Mitchell said...

Consolidation is a bad thing. With Consolidation, parents lose all control of their children's education. Let me ask you. Are the school leaders listening to your heart-felt pleas to keep the elementary schools open? No and it is a shame.

All angry parents out there have to become politically active. If we can Repeal the Triborough Amendment by supporting Robert Castelli's NY State Assembly bill A01329 which calls for the Repeal of the Triborough Amendment. Call Assembyman Cahill and Assemblyman Lopez's office and tell them you are sick and tired of dismantling your local school districts and local schools so as to keep giving teachers more automatic step raises, health benefits and untaxed pensions. Please join me in getting rid of this cancer. After 5 years the savings from closing the 4 Kingston schools will be gone due to excessive, increasing teacher raises and benefits, the school leaders will be asking for more school closings. Mark my word, 5 years from now your local school could be closing. The silent majority of parents and taxpayers have to rise up and Repeal the Triborough Amendment now, so we can begin to take back, from the teachers' union, control of our children's education, It's the only way.

Ralph Mitchell said...

BLINDSPOT - In 5 years, the Teachers' Union Contracts Complete with Automatic Step Pay Raises will totally eat up the $25 Million savings Padalino suggests. In 5 years, the Kingston School District will really be Bankrupt and your local school district and local neighborhood schools will be gone. SUGGESTION - Fight this school closing plan with more vigor and tenacity. SUPPORT - NY State Assemblyman Robert Castelli's bill to Repeal the Triborough Amendment.

Ralph Mitchell said...

Everybody has the same credentials as me. Just look at the Kingston Schools financial position and performance for the past 5 years. Just look at the severly degrading salary demographics for the area in the past 5 years with no growth industries moving into the area. Just look at the child and family population decrease for the past 5 years. Any more question?