Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Vote NO on School Budgets and Stop Forcing our Children Out of State

This is a sincere message to the parents of our Ulster County School districts.  Our Ulster County high school and college graduates are leaving NY State in droves.  Where are they going?  They are going to Right-to-Work states where unions and laws that favor unions do not control the school districts.  Where are examples of Right-to-Work states?  South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida, Texas and about 23 others including soon to be a Right-to-Work state - New Hampshire.  Large numbers of new jobs will never come back to NY State until we become a Right-to-Work state.  What should we do to send a clear message to Albany that we know how to stop our children from leaving NY State for Right-to-Work states?  Vote NO on every school budget until Albany gets the message!  If you vote yes, you are continuing the Sham which forces our children to leave the state.

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