Sunday, September 15, 2013

Let's make a deal. Move the KHS $138 Million Bond Issue vote to the regular Election Day, Nov.5th.

Let's make a deal.  Move the KHS $138 Million Bond Issue vote to the regular Election Day, Nov.5th, and we the taxpayers will be less cynical and we may vote Yes.  What is cynicism?  It is the distrust of the motives of others.  We will request by letter and / or petition that the Kingston School Board move the vote on this single issue from December 10th to the regular November 5th Election Day.  This move of the vote day will save the district $15,000, since the Ulster County Board of Elections conducts the Nov.5th vote.  Also, the Nov.5th vote would dramatically increase voter participation on this issue.  Finally, the Nov.5th vote would reduce local voter cynicism for the scheduling the bond vote for Dec.10th, which is 2 weeks before Christmas, when many local taxpayers have already left for Florida.  Right now, the scheduling of the bond vote for Dec.10th appears to be motivated by "voter suppression", ie. more YES votes than NO votes will come out on Dec.10th.  Kingston School Board, let's do the right thing and move the bond issue vote from Dec.10th to Nov.5th.  If anyone is interested in helping by carrying a one-page 25 signature petition asking the school board to move this vote, please contact me.


Ralph Mitchell said...

For full disclosure, I have personally talked to NYS Dept.of Education management. They have told me personally, that it is legal to put the KHS $138 Million bond vote on the General Nov.5th ballot provided by the Ulster County Board of Elections. Also, an UC Board of Elections commissioner has stated the with the new scanner voting machines, it is not a major problem for the UC Board of Elections to print and pass out special ballots for residents of the Kingston School District.

Ralph Mitchell said...

It is incorrect to say that putting schools issues on Election Day ballots requires the boundaries of town/city voting to to match school voting. The Ulster County Board of Elections has confirmed that with the new individual scanning ballots, it is very easy to run an election at the regular election day polling place on Election Day and to accurately pass out the correct ballots to people from different school districts for their school district voting requirements.