Friday, September 20, 2013

Kevin Cahill..Please Apologize

Let's call a spade, a spade.  Kevin Cahill is at fault at least 90 percent.  He risked a spike in local City of Kingston and Town taxes in order to interfere and pressure County government to take on safety net......something Hein and the local towns had already committed to.  So now Cahill is happy with what Hein and the local towns had already committed to.  However, there is one small problem.  Since time ran out on Cahill's risk and the Assembly/Senate left town for good in 2013, we local taxpayers are left with millions of dollars less of local sales tax revenue which needs to be made up by property tax increases and local government layoffs and local government service cuts.  My basic question, "Kevin Cahill, what were you thinking of, when you risked the local government tax revenue in order to pick a fight with Mike Hein and local government leaders?"  My suggestion.  Admit that you made a mistake and admit that local legislative issues should be solved by local Ulster County citizens and not solved by Assemblymen interfering in the local legislative process.


Ralph Mitchell said...

Let's see what kind of cuts are in the City of Kingston budget due to the Kevin Cahill interference. I think that evidence will be compelling that the Kevin Cahill interference was unnecessary and damaging to City of Kingston taxpayers.

Ralph Mitchell said...

Hein and the legislature already had a plan to phase in safety net takeover. Cahill interfered where he should have kept out of it. Cahill is now ready to accept what what Hein and the legislature already agreed to. Let's be honest. What did Cahill's show of force accomplish? Nothing positive. But more local property taxes for Ulster County residents.

Ralph Mitchell said...

Remember, Hein also said if Kevin Cahill hadn't interfered in the Safety Net issue, we Ulster County taxpayers would be having a county property tax reduction. This is very sad.

Ralph Mitchell said...

Cahill is wrong. Bottom line is that Kingston City residents will be carrying an increase PROPERTY TAX and a decreased FUND BALANCE due to Kevin Cahill's careless interfering in the Ulster County Safety Net takeover which was already in the works. AT THE BARE MINIMUM, Cahill should have kept his eye on the Assembly calendar to be sure that the Assembly could give a positive vote on the Ulster Sales Tax renewal before they left for the year.