Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Kingston's problems go way beyond the recent recession. That is why Kingstonians have every responsibility to complain and dispute its extremely high level of property taxes, water and sewer rates and sales taxes. Starting in 1995 and continuing to this day, after IBM left Kingston, our Mayor and councils should have been downsizing expenses to match the dwindling population and drastic reduction in local wages and wealth. Instead, what have the mayors and councils been doing? They have steadily raised property taxes, water and sewer rates and sales taxes. Let me say this. Any future union contract negotiations MUST INCLUDE the CITY'S ABILITY TO PAY bargaining point. As things stand now, 2 years from now when the contracts come up for renewal, the negotiating climate will be drastically different. The Federal government is drastically in debt, the state government is almost bankrupt and the city is facing more debt and lower population and less wealth. If you look at the present and future picture this way.......considering Kingston's 15 year post IBM decline coupled with the present and future dim prospects, you can better understand why more and more Kingstonians cannot tolerate this year's 9 percent property tax increase and water and sewer increases and why it makes sense to talk about NO TAX INCREASES FOR THE NEXT 5 YEARS. It is the only way.


Bill Berardi said...

Taxes are too high, have been too high and need to be lowered immediately. Every tax increase requires taxpayers to lower their household budgets.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on now - the biggest complaint is train horns - ask the Mayor who is never in his office unless Ft. Myers counts as his office.

Anonymous said...

How about some Auxiliary Police officers for Kingston. They would reduce the amount of full time officers and help the tax burden. Even New York City has Auxiliary Police!

Anonymous said...

Central Hudson maintained reliable service with an 8% increase. Kingston cut services and raised taxes 10%.

Anonymous said...

Why does Ulster County's Tobacco Free Action Coalition have money to sponsor a Chamber of Commerce breakfast but not for children's education programs?