Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Public Schools Need Competition -- Enter Vouchers

The public schools need competition.  If you are serious about ending the decline of public education.  Introduce competition by allowing parents to use vouchers to send their children to the school of their choice, ie) public, private, parochial, charter, etc.  These different schools would compete for students much like public and private colleges compete for students.  Competition breeds excellence.  No Competition breeds complacency and failure.


Anonymous said...

Take a good look at Rondout Valley School and see the top heavy administration with the Super saying there will be no cuts. There were raises of 30% and more for this area. This distric spends 27K PER STUDENT and has a poor performance record. The super makes 185K plus benefits. Now is the time to make changes. Take a look at how many teachers are making over 100K. The school board is made up of members that have spouses which are teachers. This is a conflict of interest.
Vouchers are needed now!!!!

Anonymous said...

Do what Kingston does - voters turned down budget to austerity in two seperate years - no cuts to any sport, arts or music - there has been some dubious number fluffing for years - not just with the security detail. We are talking Fraud! Maybe the Comptroller will investigate.

Anonymous said...

How about the $ 20 million stolen from taxpayers so Social Studies teacher can draw a $ 200K for salary on top of his pension. Please DiNapoli - open up a probe.