Sunday, February 20, 2011

Closing Kingston elementary school buildings is Drastic!

Closing school buildings is Drastic!

Let's do a 2-step process with a checkpoint in between!

STEP 1-- Keep elementary schools open for now. Move 6th grade back to elementary schools. Make Middle schools 7, 8, 9th grades again. Make KHS 10, 11, 12 grades again (more room in closed cafeteria).

STEP 2-- If school population decreases further, look at closing an elementary school.

This type of go-slow logic must be used to lessen the impact on our children, their neighborhoods and the fabric of our city and towns.

In May, let's let the voters decide between moving 6th grade back to elementary schools and closing 2 elementary schools. If anyone out there knows how to get this on the May ballot please let me know. You can post it here on this blog.


Anonymous said...

I think you are right. Realignment is a better strategy.
Jen Fuentes

Anonymous said...

The Board of Knuckleheads have not computed the cost of transporting and supervising elementary school children from neighborhood schools who walk to school now to the burbs. Bus companies and Board members friends will love it. They will get the jobs for bus supervisors and monitors.