Saturday, August 13, 2011

Homestead vs. Business 2-tier taxing system in the City of Kingston

Let's talk about Homestead vs. Business 2-tier taxing system in the City of Kingston.  The only way to equalize these 2 tax rates is to drastically cut the Kingston budget.  If any of the 7 candidates talk about equalizing Homestead and Business taxes, they should be challenged by asking them "What is the priority of drastic budget cuts that they propose?"  My priority of budget cuts are 1) cut the Paid Fire Dept. the most, 2) cut the DPW duplicate management positions proposed by Rich Cahill, 3) do not cut the Police.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... want to cut paid firefighters the most? You want to cut the people that are responsible for putting out fires? The people that run into burning buildings to carry people like yourself to safety? Who is going to take the FFs that are cut place? You prefer to have part time volunteers responsible for putting out our fires? You know how much taxes will have to go up if god forbid there is a fire that gets out of control in a school let alone the loss of life? I do not want to rely on people who are not paid, god knows if they are trained to be responsible in our city with the task of putting out fires. Do we really have that many paid FFs on the payroll? By the way what do you do for a living?