Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Kingston Mayor Sottile not running for re-election in 2011 - Interview Candidates

The key words for the City of Kingston are "Pay Freeze".  My fellow Kingston taxpayers, let's start asking the potential candidates (Clement Hayes, Rich Cahill, Andi Turco-Levin, Bill Reynolds, Shayne Gallo and others) how they feel about Pay Freezes written into the 3 upcoming 2011 contracts for DPW, Fire and Police.  Please let's post their replies on this blog.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Saugerties Schools Teacher's Contract Negotiation

The key words are Pay Freeze.  That means 2 things.  1)  Zero Percent pay increase 2) Elimination of Step Increases (note-- Local school boards are free to eliminate step increases.) If ever there was an opportunity to get rid of the obnoxious and unfair Step Increases for longevity and coursework, it is NOW.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

What if NYS cities and towns band together for Municipal Bankruptcy

What if Kingston and about 20 other NY State cities, towns, and school districts banned together to request Municipal Bankruptcy? Do you think the unions and elected state officials would take notice then? In other words, all the municipalities and school districts are now held hostage by NYS teacher and municipal unions. We could ban together to break this stranglehold that the unions have on the NYS taxpayers. Mark my word, it will come to that. We cannot go on like we are. The taxpayer suffering with unfunded pensions and unbridled pay increases will escalate. Face reality and take action, since the current union contract conditions point to a very bleak future for our children and grandchildren.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mark My Word......Bankruptcy is the only answer.

We have to clear out all of the present municipal union and teacher union contracts and start from scratch.  After talking with Mayor Sottile on KCR radio, he admits that it is almost impossible to get rid of "accumulated perks" such as 17 "free" days off in the Kingston Police contract out of union contracts without giving away some other perk. New York State law is so heavily slanted in favor of union leaders and their negotiating position with municipalites and school boards, that there is no chance to correct these problems without a state constitutional convention or with bankruptcy.  We cannot wait for a constitutional convention. Therefore, I know it sounds drastic, but I would like to see a domino effect where one city and town after another files for bankruptcy to begin to process of purging the taxpayers of union contract responsibilities.

Friday, December 3, 2010

In NY, Union Contracts Cannot Start with Clean Slate--We may need Bankruptcy

Recently on the radio, we were discussing the union contract "perks" which have accumulated over the "good" years of past negotiations with school boards and municipalities.  A recent news article revealed that the Kingston Police officers receive 17 extra days off per year.  This is an example of an accumulated "perk" which continues to find itself in each new Kingston Police union contract.  School Boards and municipalities need reform at the state and local level which will allow union contracts to START with a CLEAN SLATE which can get rid of "deadwood" provisions in local contracts  Otherwise, it is inevitalble that there will be state, school and municipal bankruptcies which will FORCE a Clean Slate for our teachers, police, fire and municipal workers.


It is WRONG for the City of Kingston or the Kingston City Schools to call for Pay Increases and Tax Increases. We taxpayers especially in NY State have been taken for FOOLS for so long. The new taxpayer rallying cry should be DON'T INCREASE OUR TAXES TO GIVE UNION WORKERS RAISES. Let's get our local governments back in control with the flexibility they need to balance their budgets without increasing taxes. Our future teacher, police and fire contracts should have tax increase circuit breakers which say that salary increases are allowed for the year only if taxes can be maintained at ZERO INCREASE. Let's debate and discuss future Police, Fire and Teacher contracts in the open with the issue of NO Tax Increases firmly on the table.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Laws Which Favor Teacher & Municipal Unions are Destroying NY State

I don't know about you, but I am tired of being made a fool by New York State rules which favor teacher's and municipal unions. Let's list a few.

1) School Board Elections not on Election Day in November (RESULT - Teacher's Union is able to surmount small turnout in May and they elect people favorable to the teacher's union.)

2) Tri-Borough Amendment (RESULT - Union continue getting step increases and benefits with no incentive to agree to a lesser, leaner contract.)

3) Step Increases (RESULT - Union receive both step increases for longevity and coursework as well as contract percentage increases)

4) State Union pensions are not taxed by NY State Income taxes (RESULT - union members get an unfair taxation advantage)

5) Arbitration if negotiations with unions are deadlocked. (RESULT - Arbitration ruling usually results in a compromise negotiation which will not create reform required to stop DOWNWARD SPIRAL of increased taxes and decreased population.)

6) Decreased state pension fund performance requires local school districts and municipalities to pick up more of cost of DEFINED (GUARANTEED) PENSIONS. (RESULT - local school districts and municipalities are close to bankruptcy over unfunded pension obligations. Also, private company pensions (IBM) have gone to 401K Defined Contributions.)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


It is IMMORAL for the City of Kingston or the Kingston Schools to call for Pay Increases and Tax Increases.  We taxpayers especially in NY State have been taken for FOOLS for so long. The new taxpayer rallying cry should be DON'T INCREASE OUR TAXES TO GIVE UNION WORKERS RAISES WHEN THERE ARE PLENTY OF POTENTIALLY QUALIFIED FIREMEN, POLICEMEN AND TEACHERS WHO WILL DO QUALITY WORK FOR LESS IF GIVEN A CHANCE.  Let's get our local governments back in control with the flexibility they need to balance their budgets without increasing taxes.  Let's debate and discuss future Police, Fire and Teacher contracts in the open with the issue of NO Tax Increases firmly on the table.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Eliminate Step Increases AND Move School Board Election to November

To our current Kingston City Schools Board Members,

I would like to get to the bottom of 2 key issues that are NOT dictated by State Education Law and that the local School Board could correct.

1) Eliminate Teacher Step Increases in the upcoming Teacher's Contract.

2) Move the election of Kingston School Board Members to the November 2011 Election Day so that a larger more representative voter pool could vote for our all important School Board representaton. The Budget Vote can stay in May 2011.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

VOUCHER Solution to Possible Closure of Kingston's St.Joseph's School

In the long run, to save St.Joseph's School in Kingston, ....let's be logical.......If Catholic schools are successful educating and disciplining our children and if our citizens want to spend our education tax dollars wisely, why don't  all American citizens........especially Catholic parents support educational VOUCHERS, where parents get a payment voucher and can choose to send their children to either public or parochial schools?  Let's break the teacher unions and tell our politicians to support VOUCHERS in order to save our children's future education and local employment opportunities.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Keep Kingston Elementary Schools Open -- Cancel KHS Building Plans

An important premise was left out of the study of realigning Kingston City Schools.  Premise---We should not add on to Kingston High School since we cannot afford it.--------CANCEL PLANS FOR A KHS Building project. ----- Then, the alignment solutions are more acceptable and affordable to parents and taxpayers. Put the 6th grade back in the elementary grades.  Put the 9th grade into the two middle schools.  Reorganize KHS as 10, 11, and 12 grades. ------- In summary, keep your existing buildings and teaching staff, but CANCEL THE KHS BUILDING Do a better, more efficient job with what you have.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Huge raises for Fire Dept.-- Higher taxes -- Call Aldermen at phones below

Mayor Sottile...NO MORE 6% TAX INCREASES ....CUT the Fire Department --- Huge raises for Fire Dept.-- Higher taxes for homes and businesses -- No Curbside leaf collections. Something is Very Wrong.  We cannot cut the Police Force. We can cut some supervisory positions at DPW. However, we MUST cut the Kingston Fire Department budget down from $7.4 Million (up $700K). We can no longer afford to send fire trucks to all Emergency Calls. We can no longer have firemen sleeping through the night shift. Please Mr. Mayor, do not burden City taxpayers with another 6% tax increase plus drastic cuts in leaf collection services in DPW in order to preserve a GOLD plated Paid Fire Department. Something is Very Wrong.  To fellow Kingstonians, Call your alderman and urge them to cut the Fire Dept. by using more Volunteer Firemen and keeping paid firemen on call at home instead of sleeping at the fire dept and by eliminating fire dept.going to non-emergency ambulance calls.  See the list of aldermen below.

First Ward Andi Turco-Levin (917) 975-3039
Second Ward Thomas Hoffay (845)331-8317
Third Ward Charles Landi (845)338-6955
Fourth Ward Shirley Whitlock (845) 338-3739
Fifth Ward Jen Fuentes (845) 332-6600
Sixth Ward Ron Polacco (845)594-4758
Seventh Ward William P. Reynolds (845)331-1421
Eighth Ward Robert Senor (845) 339-2955
Ninth Ward Hayes Clement (845) 331-4309

Monday, October 18, 2010

HEADLINE ---- Andrew Cuomo Kisses Shelly Silver at the podium

........At a recent political gathering, a video shows Cuomo kissing Shelly Silver after the 2 were introduced....Let's be Honest. This is a Critical Vote for the Lives of Our Young People in NY State. To my fellow voters-especially parents and grandparents, this is a very sincere appeal to your reason. Sheldon Silver Assembly leader from NY City is a major reason why our beautiful state has become second rate due to his catering to special legal and union people at the expense of the everyday taxpayer and young person in the state. This is why our children and grandchildren have and will continue to leave NY. Andrew Cuomo loves and admires Sheldon Silver. There is no way Andrew Cuomo will be able to loosen Shelly Silver's grip on the power to stop reform in NY. At best, Cuomo will achieve a weak compromise with Silver. Please don't compromise when it comes to the lives of your children and grandchildren. Put Carl Paladino in there to break the New York City/Sheldon Silver stranglehold on our NY Government. This is a critical vote for the lives of our young people.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Critical Vote for the Lives of Our Young People--Paladino Over Cuomo (NYC)

To my fellow voters-especially parents and grandparents, this is a very sincere appeal to your reason.  Sheldon Silver Assembly leader from NY City is a major reason why our beautiful state has become second rate due to his catering to special legal and union interests over the tax cutting will of the people and why our children and grandchildren have and will continue to leave NY.  Andrew Cuomo loves and admires Sheldon Silver.  There is no way Andrew Cuomo will be able to loosen Shelly Silver's grip on the power to stop reform in NY.  At best, Cuomo will achieve a weak compromise with Silver.  Please don't compromise when it comes to the lives of your children and grandchildren.  Put Carl Paladino in there to break the New York City/Sheldon Silver stranglehold on our NY Government.  This is a critical vote for the lives of our young people.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Best Economic Stimulus is Lower Taxes Not More Government Spending

Excessive borrowing to fund the Stimulus projects was and is fool-hearty for our children and grandchildren. Recent experience shows that the local economy, especially the stability of local municipalities and school districts, is not significantly improved by local stimulus spending. It would have been much better for the Federal government to significantly slash taxes including capital gains taxes and payroll and FICA taxes to encourage small business to expand business and hire new employees. For example, look at the states of Texas versus New York. Where are the jobs leaving and where are they going? Answer: Jobs move where the taxes are lowest.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Zero Tax Increase for Ulster County - Good Job Mike Hein, Art Smith

Congratulations to Ulster County Executive Mike Hein and his budget director Art Smith on producing a Zero Tax Increase budget for 2011!  Hopefully, this will be the start of a trend in our area.  Maybe now instead of tax increases being in vogue for municipalities, tax increases will be what they should be ---- Very Bad Policy for our extremely Highly Taxed State of NY.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mayor Sottile...NO MORE 9% TAX INCREASES ....CUT Fire Department

To Mayor Sottile,

We cannot cut the Police Force. We can cut some supervisory positions at DPW. However, we MUST cut the Kingston Fire Department budget down from $7 Million. We can no longer afford to send fire trucks to all Emergency Calls. We can no longer have firemen sleeping through the 12 midnight to 8am shift. Please Mr. Mayor, do not burden City taxpayers with another 9% tax increase plus more fees and plus more layoffs in DPW in order to preserve a GOLD plated Paid Fire Department. To discuss further, Go To my blog at......ULSTERTAX.BLOGSPOT.COM

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Please Save Our Children's Future in NY -- Vote Paladino over Cuomo

How much more pain are we New Yorkers expected to take? Our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters are leaving New York by the droves. Why? Because of the usual New York politics symbolized by Andrew Cuomo, Mario Cuomo, Shelly Silver and all of the dysfunction in Albany which is "owned" lock-stock-and-barrel by the state unions. I urge my fellow New Yorkers to try to get out of this mess by putting somebody like Carl Paladino in as Governor to balance out the power of the New York City politicians such as Andrew Cuomo and Shelly Silver.

Friday, September 17, 2010

BASIC LOGIC --- Why fewer students? People and Jobs have left us.

BASIC LOGIC ------ If there are fewer students and fewer buildings, there should be less personnel including teachers, administrators and support people and there should be a reduction in school taxes, not an increase...............Why are there fewer students?  Because people and jobs have left our school district due to high taxes and unusually high teachers salaries and benefits....Reject all politicians who are supported by Andrew Cuomo and Tom DiNapoli.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fiddling While Rome Burns -- Please Stop KHS Building Project Madness

Fiddling While Rome Burns ----- We the people of the Kingston School District want the school board to Stop this KHS Renovation exercise in futility. Change Gears and start brainstorming on how we are going to break the Teacher's Union stranglehold on our children's future and our local ability to stay in our homes. We want the board to eliminate "Step Increases for longevity and education credits". Why? Because we can do this elimination at the local level. There is NO Mandate for "Step Increases". Look at what is happening in Saugerties. Their district is descimated and dismantled. That is coming for Kingston. The Federal and State governments are broke. The Teacher's pension funds could bankrupt us. Please stop this building project madness. To discuss further, please Go To ---> http://ULSTERTAX.BLOGSPOT.COM

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What Can Voters Do in this November's ELECTION ?

What can we the people do to begin to 1) Make our schools better, 2) Lower taxes, 3) Keep more young adults in New York State and in Ulster County?

The answer is ---- DO NOT VOTE FOR ANY CANDIDATE WHO RECEIVES UNION SUPPORT..........For a list of candidates who receive Union support, come back to this BLOG. The list will be updated over the next few weeks.  If you know of candidates who receive Union support, please help us out by posting to this blog.  Thanks.

DO YOU WANT TO HEAR A BAD IDEA - Demolishing the MJM Building as part of the KHS $86 Million Renovation

Any KHS Renovation Plan that demolishes usable classroom space such as the MJM Building is a BAD IDEA.  First of all, the elementary population in the Kingston District has decreased dramatically.  There is a 22 percent vacancy rate in the elementary schools.  Some of these elementary schools will become available for KHS usage eventually.  Let's not demolish any schools and rebuild them at a cost of $86 Million.  Let's face it.  Those days are over.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Reject Union Control - Reject both Cuomo for Gov and DiNapoli for Comptroller

The powerful teacher's unions run the schools. How do we know this? The unions control the compensation plan via their unfair advantage in contract negotiations. Where is the evidence of unions controlling the compensation plan. The unions will not agree to individual good teacher merit pay, but they will agree to giving teacher's step pay increases for longevity and agree to giving teacher's pay raises for taking college courses in teaching. In other words, the unions will not let individual teachers be given pay increases for excellent results with the students in their classroom, but the unions will allow teachers to get pay increases as a group for courses and longevity. The key to a successful operation is control of individual compensation not group compensation. That is why I say the teacher's unions run the schools and why our schools could be much better if a school boss gave raises to individual successful classroom teachers for excellent individual student successes. I don't know about you, but I am tired of wasting our New York State children's lives and futures for the benefit of union raises and nonsense. For this November's election, do not vote for any state candidate who gets union support. For starters, do not vote for Andrew Cuomo for governor or do not vote for Thomas DiNapoli, both who receive heavy union support.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


PURE GREED........ATTENTION ALL SENIOR CITIZENS.......IN SPITE OF FEDERAL GOVT ANNOUNCEMENT........NO SOCIAL SECURITY INCREASE FOR 2010 .....OR.....2011.............Our local teacher's union held out for a 4.47 % increase retroactive to July of last year and going through December of this year.  SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG WHEN UNIONS HAVE THIS MUCH POWER........REMEMBER.....Our local teachers also get ......STEP INCREASES......which are not required by state law....ALSO....Teachers get INCREASES JUST FOR TAKING COURSES.......This is RIDICULOUS!...Merely taking a course does not produce any positive results in the classroom.......WOW! HAVE WE BEEN TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF OVER THE YEARS!

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Kingston School District got the bad news about KHS in a "scathing" report from the state

The Kingston School District got the bad news about KHS in a "scathing" report from the state......If the high school does not improve, then “phase out or close the school” is the course of action under the next level...................This is the expected result when the teacher's union is running the school and the compensation plans for teachers. WHY WOULD TEACHERS DO THEIR BEST IF THEY GET AUTOMATIC STEP RAISES AND RAISES FOR MERELY TAKING COURSES.......This compensation plan has nothing to do with student level teaching.........In addition, this "House Plan" to isolate the grades in different parts of the KHS building takes the FOCUS off of the INDIVIDUAL TEACHER TO STUDENT LEARNING.......My Advice........REJECT UNION IDEAS WHICH HIDE BAD TEACHERS AND BAD TEACHING......EMPHASIZE INDIVIDUAL TEACHER SUCCESS WITH INDIVIDUAL REWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN INDIVIDUAL STUDENT SUCCESS!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Andrew Cuomo's idea to Consolidate School Districts is a POOR SOLUTION

I AM DISAPPOINTED in Andrew Cuomo solution to the HIGH School Tax Problem in NY State.  This is a POOR SOLUTION, since the result is basically a one-shot one time savings that will go away with future union contract increases. Also, School District Consolidation will TAKE AWAY OUR LOCAL CONTROL and OUR LOCAL VOICE about our SCHOOL'S direction.......NOTICE that Cuomo does not even mention reigning in the NY State Teacher's Union and the other state unions that have destroyed the competitiveness of this state. SEE the other blog posting about the pressure tactics used by the Highland teacher's union. This information is clear evidence why we New York State taxpayers and voters must reject any candidate who is supported by union money. Based on this, New Yorkers should REJECT Andrew Cuomo for Governor who has and continues to benefit from union support. Let's balance out the Albany legislative Democratic power monopoly of the NY State Assembly and Senate by electing Rick Lazio or Carl Paladino. I make this suggestion purely based on taxpayer logic and hope for a better future for we taxpayers and our children and grandchildren. If you would like to discuss further, please go to my Blog at ULSTERTAX.BLOGSPOT.COM

Had Enough of Union Damage to NY State - Reject Cuomo

The pressure tactics by the HIGHLAND teacher's union mentioned in the July 18, 2010 Kingston Freeman article is a clear piece of evidence why we New York State taxpayers and voters must reject any candidate who is supported by union money. Based on this, New Yorkers should REJECT Andrew Cuomo for Governor who has and continues to benefit from union support. Let's balance out the Albany legislative Democratic power monopoly of the NY State Assembly and Senate by electing Rick Lazio or Carl Paladino. I make this suggestion purely based on taxpayer logic and hope for a better future for we taxpayers and our children and grandchildren. If you would like to discuss further, please go to my Blog at ULSTERTAX.BLOGSPOT.COM

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Let's raise our voices in opposition to this "pie-in-the-sky" project

The Kingston School Board is proposing a $150 Million High School renovation project. With declining school enrollment and the plummeting number of Kingston High School students returning to live and work in Ulster County, I suggest we raise our voices in opposition to this "pie-in-the-sky" project which will distract of from the primary mission ------ Educating students in the basics and teaching them how to think and to seek the truth about life.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

2010 Kingston School Budget -- VOTE NO on Tuesday, May 18th.

50 Jobs eliminated plus a 10 percent TAX HIKE........In other words, in Kingston, our Board of Ed and administrators are DISMANTLING our school district PLUS they are CHARGING US MORE TAXES FOR LESS SERVICES..................The only way to send a message to the TEACHER'S UNION, BOARD OF ED and ADMINISTRATION is to VOTE NO on TUESDAY, MAY 18th.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Resolution to the Kingston Common Council - Converting one fire station from paid to volunteer & Elimination of non-emergency calls

Kingston needs Budget Reduction and Tax Reduction. 

Toward that Goal,

I submitted the following resolution / letter to the Common Council.  To the Common Council, we
the citizens of Kingston deserve and look forward to an up or down vote on this by the aldermen of the Common Council.

February 17, 2010

Mr. James Noble


Kingston, NY 12401

Subject: Resolution to the Kingston Common Council (Finance Committee)

Prepare Plans for

1) Converting one fire station from paid to volunteer and

2) Elimination of non-emergency calls from Kingston Fire Dept. duties


I have had several discussions with 3rd ward alderman, Charlie Landi about the need to seriously reduce city spending to prepare Kingston for the present hard times and for the future where lowest taxed areas will be the place new jobs will be located.

Kingston needs to substantially reduce the expense of its fire budget. The City of Kingston with a population of less than 25,000 has a fire budget (including building dept.) of in excess of $7 Million. It appears that there is the potential to reduce the Kingston fire budget by doing two things. 1) Convert one fire station from paid to volunteer. The savings would be in the paid manpower that is no longer needed at the converted fire station. The manpower could be reduced via buyouts and attrition. The city and firefighter’s union would have to open the contract where necessary to accommodate these changes. 2) Eliminate non-emergency calls from the Kingston Fire Dept. duties. The saving would be in manpower time and vehicle usage expenses.

The city should begin the process of creating a vibrant volunteer spirit to man the converted paid fire station. The goal would be to create the kind of excellent volunteer fire station in the city that now exists in the Town of Ulster. Several factors, which contribute to the success of the main Ulster Hose Station, are 1) special retirement incentives, 2) brotherhood, sisterhood environment 3) comfortable station with amenities (food, coffee, papers), 4) sports teams, 5) family days, 6) open to 16, 17, 18 year olds, 7) service awards, and other creative ideas. With leadership, this type of volunteer station could be created at one of the paid fire stations in Kingston.

Please support the subject resolution to give the council and mayor some added leverage when negotiating with the paid firefighters union and to help us avoid a disastrous budget in 2011.

Thank you,

Ralph C. Mitchell

cc: Charles Landi, Chairman of Financial & Economic Development Committee

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

DIFFERENCES in Government (fed, state,county, town, teachers) & Private Wages are destroying the lifestyle and future of Ulster County ------------ Therefore, future Ulster County Government Contracts must limit salary increases.

Below is a table (2008) which shows the results of past and present government contracts. Look at the SPREAD between private and government wages. In Ulster, the private salary average is low and falling relative to surrounding counties and relative to government workers including teachers. This is the downward SPIRAL that Ulster is now into. What does this table show us? It shows that the Ulster private job quality has been decimated since IBM left the area. It also shows that since IBM left, Ulster’s Government contracts and wages HAVE NOT taken into account the private worker's ability to pay. What is this doing to Ulster County? It is destroying our lifestyle and the prospects for our kid’s future here.

What should we do?

We must DEMAND that new Government contracts (county, town, city, teachers) have little or no salary increases to bring Ulster County’s SPREAD below in line with surrounding counties.

COUNTY    GOVT. Wages      PRIVATE Wages       SPREAD          RATIO

Ulster            49148                      31814                      17334                1.54

Dutchess      51018                      45270                        5748                1.12

Greene          45321                      29822                      15499                1.52

(Above data from

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


The mayor and the Kingston Paid Firefighters Union are making my point that we should convert one of Kingston's three paid fire stations to Volunteer. This can be done if the mayor and council were serious about this conversion. If the new, improved Volunteer Fire Station got proper funding, this volunteer station could be as good as the Town of Ulster's famous Ulster Hose Volunteer Station on Albany Avenue near the Town of Ulster Library. We should accomplish this converting of one fire station to volunteer before the Mayor and firefighter's union sit down to negotiate the 2011 contract. This will allow the Mayor to have more clout with the powerful firefighter's union.


Correct me if I am wrong, but I did not read or hear about teachers and support people forgoing their raises and automatic step increases for 2010 and 2011. Most of the other suggestions are smokescreens and "feel good" suggestions which obscure the reality of this CRISIS which has the potential of destroying our local school district via massive layoffs. The Teacher's Union leaders will allow the school district to go over the cliff before cooperating will a serious effort to SAVE OUR SCHOOLS.

What person or event will put a stop to these OUT OF CONTROL union contracts and their salary increases. Leaders who are HONEST will work to repeal the laws which allow union contracts grow out of control in NY STATE. The DISMANTLING of our local school districts via teacher and support layoffs combined with a hopeless BANKRUPTCY situation is the WHAT could stop this insanity. WE THE PEOPLE should keep up the pressure on School Superintendents and School Boards by refusing to accept silly nonsense which is used to justify any salary increases in this EMERGENCY situation. Also, we need SCHOOL VOUCHERS which will allow parents to have their children attend any school with a government voucher of $5000. In other words, the school tax money goes to the parents via a voucher, and parents choose their schools by giving them the voucher. With vouchers, we will have school competition, which will make them better, more efficient and cheaper. Our young teachers will have several schools where they can look for work, instead of dealing with one local Human Resource department. It SOUNDS GOOD doesn't it. Let's try it. Tell Kevin Cahill, Larkin and Bonasic that you want School vouchers.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I am asking for suggestions and help with the following project. It is related to several important city issues, such as the Kingston Paid Firefighters lawsuit against the city over the City's right not to fill 3 firefighter vacancy, new pension options for future city union contracts, the partial re-assessment of City properties, the City Equalization rate and how it makes our school taxes go up, the County-City SAFETYNET welfare debate, city funding for Kingston Public Access TV, and others.  We want the Common Council aldermen to be more opinionated and proactive and open with the city residents. I would like to use my ULSTERTAX.BLOGSPOT.COM where the alderman's positions on issues could be polled on a regular basis?  For example, can we collaborate to email the aldermen periodically and post the results of the poll including any non-responses.

Most of us city residents have to work 30, 40, 50 hours per week and cannot afford to attend council meetings. The Freeman articles are good but in no way poll all of the alderman on issues, especially before the voting occurs.  If you have any comments or ideas, please post them here.  Thanks.